At my job there are many people coming and going but there are two main people who inspire me when I am working. the first person who inspires me is the cashier Johnny. Johnny's title is a gas station attendant but thats not all he is, He owns property that he rent out, he has his own house that he doesn't have to pay for because his tenants pay rent which pays his mortgage, and he also flips cars meaning he buys and sells them. Johnny inspires me because he has told me about his life and how he had to grow up at such a young age but now look at him he is a successful man with a couple of houses and two kids. He is not just a gas station attendant he only does it to stay busy and he is also always helping out in any way he can around the shop. The other person at my site who inspires me is Bobby the mechanic. Bobby inspires me in a different way then Johnny does. What I mean by this is Bobby never gives up once he starts working on something. on a lot of cars there are bolts that wont come out no matter what you do but Booby can always figure out how to fix it or get the bolt out. At work when Bobby does a job really fast or is having trouble with a piece or something we call him an animal because he never stops trying until he gets the result he want. both of theses people at my site inspire me just in different ways.

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